Sappho of Lesbos
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    Print / eBook / Audio
  • Main Genre:
    Historical Romance
  • Time Period:
    Ancient Greece
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Sensualist, hedonist, voluptuary!
She lived on the Isle of Lesbos in reckless pursuit of passion's most wanton pleasures.
Her mountaintop orgies, her untamed revels lifted men to the peak of ecstasy - or drove them mad.
No man meant more to Sappho than an exotic release that flamed briefly, brilliantly, then faded away - until she met Pharon, mighty Athenian warrior: Pharon, a flesh-and-blood man in every sense of the word....
This is a novel of Sappho and Pharon -- an intimate love story unmatched in the annals of Er*tica.

lavished pleasures upon him. such as no man had ever known.
Clinging to the shore, Pharon thought he had crossed the River Styx in Charon's boat: he was dead, and this was Hades. He opened his eyes, slowly, fearfully.
Before him stood a woman such as he had never seen, a woman of such erotic beauty as to stir the passions of the gods themselves.
Pharon knew then he wasn't dead, for he felt his body grow warm as he basked in the aura of desire that surrounded her; his muscles tensed in response to the nearness of that voluptuous body. It would take a living man, or a god, to quench the fires of passion flaming in Sappho's eyes as her experienced fingers, quivering now, reached out to touch him....
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    • Jan-2018
    • Independently published
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1976890640
    • ISBN13: 9781976890642
    • Jan-2018
    • Gardner Francis Fox Library
    • eBook (Kindle)

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