Sam Wilson wields the shield once more as the high-flying Captain America!When Captain America attends a birthday party for Isaiah Bradley, he catches wind of a new tech venture that sounds too good to be true: magnificent floating platforms in the sky, where the disenfranchised can apply for land grants and establish their own farms. But after Sam discovers the organization’s dark underbelly, he’ll have to tangle with its head of security: the Red Hulk! But another player is about to enter the fray: Josiah X! He’s got a new mission and a new look, but is he there to help Sam or pursue his own agenda? Captain America, his partner Falcon and the unpredictable Josiah X will find themselves at the mercy of the sinister forces running Eaglestar. Their escape may depend on the Red Hulk, but where do his loyalties lie?COLLECTING: Sam Wilson, Captain America (2025) 1-5
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