*Revenge of the Dragongator's* is the first installment of The Dragongator's Series by eNKay D. Durand Starring: Kuska, Soho, Zinnion, Jarac, and Ego. After the Oceaneanna War, the world has become a simpler place. Where villages live in peace with each other and the war a distant memory. Though the smaller mutants created to fight the war still remain, and have become a part of the new world. The fiercest of these genetic creations were called the dragongator's, and remembered in a childhood rhyme. The dragongator's were thought by children to be mythological, only to find dragongator's really do exist. Village after village have been destroyed by these mutants. The refugees taken to live at the many safe compounds which scatter the globe. As the dragongator's destroy more and more of the world, humans are left with no other choice then to fight the dragongator's. Can Kuska, and her friends, Jarac, Soho, Zinnion, and Ego, conquer these elusive fiends and save their world, or will they fail and become the dragongator's next snacks?
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