Will Ballard fought for the South, but he's not ready to go home when he walks away from Appomattox. Old wounds still fester and only time will heal them.
He joins a wagon train heading West, and finds a ready-made family. When events drive him away, he becomes a cowpuncher, just in time to fight land grabbers and a rancher who figures his land is more important than men's lives. Before he can make up his mind to go home, he's got himself a job building a railroad. All goes well until the carpetbaggers set their sights on it, and once more he's adrift.
On the move again, he hires on with a freighter and finds a temporary home on the seat of a wagon. Hard work and friendship finish his healing, and it's finally time for him to go home. Trouble is, those men in their fancy black suits are still grabbing land in the South and West. It's more than Will can take, and he's not shy about saying so.
Eventually he fights his way back to Four Corners, only to discover the same land grabbers and carpetbaggers at work, and a pretty girl who thinks highly of him. There's only one thing for Will to do: hold onto his home, keep the land, marry the girl. And it ain't gonna be easy.
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