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Imagine yourself, a trained sharpshooter, in Cuba on April 14, 1961. The Bay of Pigs Invasion is set to begin.By accident of fate, you have Fidel Castro in your rifle sights and an opportunity to change the course of history.

Even as the new U.S. President John F. Kennedy approved the doomed Bay of Pigs Invasion plan, the Castro government knew most of the details with plenty of time to prepare defenses.

A key element of the invasion plan was the collaboration of the CIA with organized crime to assassinate Fidel Castro, his brother Raul, and Che Guevara. The central character of Razzle-Dazzle, an American gambler and one-time intelligence operative, Jake St. Aubin is the best of the assassins recruited by the Mafia. Though a reluctant participant who goes to Cuba with his own agenda, he does find himself, on the eve of the Invasion, with Fidel in his gun sights. He has plenty of incentive to pull the trigger having lost his lucrative Havana nightclub and casino when Castro deposed Batista. Betrayed by a lover, he spent nearly a year in a Cuban prison camp. Now suddenly, he can exact revenge and, perhaps, ensure the outcome of the invasion. Yet, by pulling the trigger, he risks losing everything he loves.

Set in a fascinating period full of political, technological, and social change, historical figures - some famous and some yet to be famous - play significant roles. Razzle-Dazzle puts its principal characters through peril and passion. Old hatreds are re-kindled, new loves found, and indomitable adversaries overcome.

One man in the midst of America's first great intelligence failure, Jake has only his skills, speed, courage...and love to see him through.

Razzle Dazzle is for readers who enjoy history, adventure, conflict, and romance. Just like the casino game for which the book is named, the players have almost no chance to win yet, somehow, they must risk everything.
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