Razor Tongue
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When a call comes over the air to a shock jock in answer to his salacious "Where was the weirdest place you had sex?" poll question, one response proves both surprising and horrifying: a caller claiming he "did it" with the radio star's wife under a city bridge two years ago, though "it" really meaning he sliced her to death there and cut out her tongue for his collection. This stunning revelation sets off a series of dramatic, violent events centering around the still open homicide and brings about the brutal clash of two men, one a withdrawn serial murderer, Rasputin "Raz" Teklovich, AKA the KAT killer, who stores his victims' tongues in glass mayo jars as souvenirs; the other a controversial shock jock Rogan Topp, who cuts his victims down with vocal unrestraint - two men who are mirror images of each other - opposites, yet disturbingly alike. Over the course of two desperate days, both will play a bloody "KAT and mouse" game with each other, only to be joined by Topp's college daughter, Dana, still grieving over her mother's violent death. Enlisting the help of her bookish boyfriend, she seeks answers to clues she finds in her mom's journalistic notes. Clues that will force these three people to cross paths, dangerous paths, where the question is not "Who Done It?" but "Who Will Come Out Alive?" Razor Tongue is a taut psychological thriller of plot twists and vicious turns, in a media-driven world where one's voice can be a weapon...unless a razor will do.
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    • Mar-2011
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1460930401
    • ISBN13: 9781460930403

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