Quiet Life
  • Published:
    Sep-2024 (Hardcover)
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    Print / eBook / Audio
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It was just a link in an email.

Michael Housen is living a typical, white-collar American life at a security company when he falls for a phishing campaign with dire implications. One click, and suddenly the US is under marshal law and bombing Tehran.

Michael unknowingly triggered a cyberattack by Iranian hackers, which a belligerent President Davis uses as pretext for war against Iran. Michael blinks and he and his wife, Pam, are thrown into private prisons owned by the president, a multibillionaire tycoon. This ordinary couple suddenly must answer a harrowing question:  What do you do when the enemy of the state is you? And they find themselves cooperating with extraordinary partners, from right-wing militias to Iranian documentarians, as they work to clear their names and stop the global conflict that Michael set off with an unwitting click.

Written by a renowned cybersecurity attorney and a bestselling author, A Quiet Life is a cyberthriller for the times that we all live in, and how we can lose everything on the strength of a lie. And how once we start fighting back, we cannot stop.
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2024
    • Arcade
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1648210333
    • ISBN13: 9781648210334
    • Sep-2024
    • Arcade
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1648210368
    • ISBN13: 9781648210365
    • Dec-2024
    • Skyhorse Publishing, Inc.
    • Audible

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