In this sequel to Ann's Quest To Be Queen, Ann is called upon to save her home planet, Earth. Two years after becoming Queen of Raz, Ann discovers that her dead enemy Omin, from planet Pale, left a clone of himself. At the right moment, the clone, Omin-2, wakes up and goes to Earth to destroy Ann before she can become Queen of Raz. Along with Ann, Hathor and William are thrown back six years into the past. Although Hathor and William remember those six years, Ann has no memory of it. The Palers and Olympians struggle to find and rescue the Queen while Hathor and William fight for the right to claim her heart. Ultimately, the struggle will come against Omin-2 whose desire to rule the entire Earth convinces him to make a slave race of the entire world. Now it is up to Ann and her allies to save Earth before it's too late.
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