In the small town of Lockwood, Ohio, Amanda Wynne harbored special hopes for this first Christmas after the Civil War. Yet so much had changed. Her husband, Matt, had returned a broken man and would soon be lost forever. And while she took two war widows into her crumbling mansion, Amanda's heart felt as bleak as the dreary winter...until, at the newly declared holiday of Thanksgiving, three visitors appeared at her door. A former slave, whom Amanda had once helped on the Underground Railway, arrived with her daughter and with a desperate plea for help. Then Lincoln Garner came, a homeless Southern soldier running away from something, searching for something. Soon they were banding together like a family, giving and sharing, through hardship and dangers. And when the miracle of love and desire broke through all barriers to unite Amanda and Lincoln, they knew they were home...and it was Christmas...and everything was possible for those who dare to dream...
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