She showed her heart... He showed her cruelty.
Seven years ago Sky Johnson was infatuated with Miko Barokas, the senior that every girl in high school wanted...until he did something so cruel and unforgivable that it broke her heart and turned her whole world turned upside down.
Years later, she has finally rebuilt her shattered confidence and reinvented herself as Ash, the beautiful, self-assured woman that men desire.
Now, he is unexpectedly back in her life and not only does he not recognize her, but he shows every indication that he finds her sexually irresistible.
After the first shock (her heart almost leapt out of her chest) of seeing the devastatingly handsome Miko again, Sky realizes that even after all these years he still affects her greatly. Only now, she hates him with a vengeance and wants to make him hurt as much as he had hurt her. But all her plans are dependant on the assumption that the strong feelings she has for the grown up Miko are actually hate.
What if her assumption is wrong?
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