On July 11, 1804, a single bullet changed the course of American history . . . BUT WHAT IF IT DIDN'T?Alexander Hamilton lies wounded and feverish after a deadly duel that ended the life of Vice President Burr. Hovering near death, he catches a glimpse of what lies ahead â€" and sees a Civil War that will consume a generation and poison America's future. This vision compels him to return to the political arena. He sets his eyes on the Senate, and then the White House, enlisting former allies and reconciling with old enemies in his quest to become President and crush slavery. Overcoming great odds while facing down enemies at home and abroad, Hamilton moves steadily toward his goal - but there are some who will stop at nothing to derail the President's crusade for liberty. Will they succeed?President Hamilton reintroduces us to the founding generation â€" the brilliant, crafty Thomas Jefferson, the diminutive genius James Madison, and professional curmudgeon John Adams â€" and brings on the next generation of American leaders â€" Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson â€" in a lively epic of alternative history that begins with the famous duel at Weehawken and rewrites the history of the Nineteenth Century. Can Hamilton persuade the Southern states to change their course? Can his powers of persuasion move the conscience of a nation? Can one man change history?Turn the page and find out!
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