A poignantly rendered debut novel follows the Texas-sized loves and losses of star-crossed newlyweds who, forced by the consequences of their passion, leave upscale Houston for a small town in the Panhandle...
Mark Reynolds has every reason to be optimistic: He'll likely be promoted to senior minister at one of the largest churches in Houston, and he's deeply in love with his fiancee-the lovely, independent Amanda. But his dreams and reputation are shattered when he learns that Amanda is pregnant-and things become infinitely worse when he loses his job and she loses their baby. The young couple migrates to a small town with hopes of starting anew, but the shadow of their lost child settles in Amanda's soul, and she grows distant from the husband she still loves.
Though determined to return home after an extended family visit, a wrong turn toward Mexico leaves Amanda uncertain of her next move. Meanwhile Mark is left to struggle with his own future in Potter Springs, unsure of whom to trust or turn to, and-as a severe storm brews-wondering if Amanda will ever come back.
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