On the watery planet of Lumina lies the island of Patalosh, home to the Taloshians. This ancient civilization discovered the secrets of time travel, built the HMS Exploricus airship, and began to explore time-travel portals. They came upon Earth, and some even settled in various countries. Then they found out other civilizations in the universe were not so friendly...
After waking up with a big bump on his head, ten-year-old Orion Spence has no idea how long he's been out or what happened to him or his missing parents. Alone in the ice field with the wrecked Exploricus, Orion must find answers, or he'll freeze to death.
Orion learns how to maneuver the ship on Earth as he searches all seven continents for his parents. Throughout his journey, he meets friends who help him solve the seven riddles and face fierce warriors as they search for a secret time-travel portal. But now, there is another problem...
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