The Sci-Fi Adventures of Dr. Kenneth Messenger: The Parallel Universe Series Pangaea 6 follows the trying travails of a medical doctor, who is also a scientist and a surgeon. His quest for survival leads him into the precarious sphere of a threatening new world….a world of unknowns….the world of Pangaea 6. Pangaea 6 takes Dr. Messenger on a trek of deep inquiry and dangerous discovery. Dr. Messenger faces his worst nightmare, i.e., the loss of his intellect. He is ordered by the Confederation to ascertain the surviving species of marine and land animals following the continental re-coalescence, which formed Pangaea 6. He tries to make sense of a bold new world and the continued conflicts amongst men. He is forced to study the Gaia theory, while attempting to apply it to his new surroundings, including the issue of planet Earth acting as a soulless, singular organism. Messenger is fascinated with the importance of electromagnetic fields and their roles in establishing meaning for the living planet and their relationship to the loving human mind. He has to face the harsh realities of electroshock, dementia, Alzheimer's disease and electromagnetic destruction of memory and meaning. His studies expose him to crop circles, chaos and Greek mythology. As always, Dr. Howes, provides a totally unanticipated ending which is, indeed, shocking and revealing! Hold onto your seat.
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