This is a collection of short stories that celebrate the miraculous alongside the mundane. The cynical young man tired out and drained by his life with a much, much older woman; the desperately ill child sharing her breakfast with an invisible friend; the tourist unaware of danger who daydreams about a miracle cure for her ailing husband - and others too, including the Deity with a message and a request for a young journalist in a coffee shop, and a young father who finds truth in the slow waters of a Summer river. William Essex is the author of the novel 'The Journey From Heaven' and the children's stories 'Every Year, Jemima Says, "Daddy, Can I Come Too?" This Year, Father Christmas Says Yes!' and 'What Do Mummy And Daddy Do While You Are Asleep?'. Not to mention the essential guide 'The Overtired Parent's Real-World Guide To Bedtime Storytelling'.
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