The first in an edgy new contemporary romance series that follows a family on the run, from the author of the USA Today bestselling A Little Too Far series...
As the oldest son of a Chicago crime lord, Robert Delgado always knew how dangerous life could be. With his mother dead and his father in prison, he's taking charge of his family's safety -- putting himself and his siblings in witness protection to hide out in a backwater Florida town.
Fourth grade teacher Adri Wilson is worried about the new boy in her class. Sherm is quiet and evasive, especially when he's around his even cagier older brother. Adri can't help her attraction to Rob, or the urge to help them both in whatever way she can.
But the Delgados have enemies on two sides of the mob -- their father's former crew and the rival family he helped take down. It's only a matter of time before someone finds them. And if Rob isn't careful, Adri could end up in the crossfire...
Includes an exclusive preview of the next On the Run novel, Over the Line.
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