Out of Sorts Aphrodite
After the debacle with Eris, Abby has settled into her new life. She's living in tentative peace with Artie and Keto and beginning to deal with the new powers thrust upon her after her last battle. Everything appears to be fine until Ares shows up unexpectedly one morning and appeals to Abby for help. Someone has stolen the Sword of God, a priceless relic allowing the wielder to control the world. But that's not all. A monstrous, ancient being has awakened sending Olympus into panic mode and Abby scrambling to figure out who's behind it all. Once again she gets caught up in politics and danger, but this time, the stakes are higher. Her friends are keeping deadly secrets and the most obvious villain may not be so evil after all. Will Abby figure the puzzle out in time, or will this be the time the power hungry Olympian gods win?
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    • Jul-2015
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1516804864
    • ISBN13: 9781516804863
    • Jul-2015
    • Smashwords
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1310570027
    • ISBN13: 9781310570025

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