CONTENTS. PAGE A PICTURE JACK BARLOW 259 (Illustrated by R. W. Vonnoh.) NAUGHTY NASNA LAURA E. RICHARDS 260 (Illustrated by Culmer Barnes.) CHOW-CHOW BESSIE PEDDER 263 (Illustrated by Arthur Douglas.) POLLY'S BABY M. D. BRINE 266 (Illustrated by Jessie C. Shepherd.) HICKORY, DICKORY, DOCK! PENN SHIRLEY 268 (Illustrated by Jessie C. Shepherd.) A MEADOW SONG ELIZABETH A. DAVIS 270 (Illustrated by E. P. Hayden.) OUR MOCKING BIRD VAN BUREN 273 (Illustrated by A. S. Cox.) TROTTIE'S DOINGS JENNIE JUDSON 274 (Illustrated by F. T. Merrill.) SEVENTEEN, EIGHTEEN, MAIDS IN WAITING MARGARET JOHNSON 276 (Illustrated by Jessie McDermott.) THE PIGS' CHOWDER PARTY FRANCES P. CHAPLIN 278 (Illustrated by A. Buhler.) PUSSY'S ADOPTED CHILDREN S. D. L. H. 280 (Illustrated by Ellen Oakford.) SEVEN TIMES ONE DAY NOBLE 282 (Illustrated by Miss C. A. Northam.) WHAT KATY DID AUNT FANNY 284 (Illustrated by Miss M. Humphrey.) PULL THE WEEDS M. E. MCKEE 286 (Illustrated by Miss E. S. Tucker.) THISTLEDOWN JENNIE JOY 288 (Music by T. Crampton.) The Illustrative Department under the direction of Mr. GEORGE T. ANDREW.OUR LITTLE ONES AND THE NURSERY,(_MONTHLY._)TERMS (in advance). One Year $1.50. Eight Months $1.00 Sixteen Months 2.00. Single Copies 15 cents.CLUB RATES. Two Copies, one year $2.80. Four Copies, one year $5.00. Three Copies, 4.00. Five Copies, 6.00.Remittances are at risk of the Publishers only when sent by PostalOrder, Check, or Registered Letter. Checks, Drafts and Money Ordersshould be made payable to the RUSSELL PUBLISHING COMPANY, BOSTON, MASS. BUTTON'S RAVEN GLOSS SHOE DRESSING[Illustration: Button'sRAVEN GLOSSSHOE DRESSING.]Is _absolutely_ the best. Softens leather, contains oil, gives _natural_finish, _actually_ makes shoes wear longer.Leading Shoe Dealers everywhere recommend it. It is more economical thanother dressings. Take no other.BUTTON & OTTLEY, MFRS., NEW YORK.SPENCERIANSTEEL PENSare made of the BEST STEEL by the BEST WORKMEN, and combine threequalities,DURABILITY, UNIFORMITY, SUPERIORITY.Samples for trial, 21 different numbers, _post-paid_ on receipt of 25cents. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., 753 & 755 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY.
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