In a world beyond the reach of ordinary eyes, the Everglow tree stands as bridge between magical realms...Orion, a curious and adventurous boy with a pure heart, is drawn to the glowing tree by a mysterious hum. Little does he know, this ancient tree holds the superpower to transport him to otherworldly dimensions, each filled with mystical creatures and untold wonders. From the sky-dancing Sylphs to the dream-weaving Lumens, Orion meets guardians of realms beyond his wildest imagination. As he journeys from one enchanted world to the next, he uncovers the magical secrets of Everglow and the crystal gifts that could save it. But when the tree's light begins to fade, only Orion-armed with the wisdom of his newfound friends and the power of three special crystals-can restore its magic and protect the balance of the realms. Will Orion's courage and the magic of friendship be enough to heal the Everglow? Join him on an unforgettable adventure where dreams, magic and reality come together. Perfect for children ages 6-10. Each page is beautifully illustrated.
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