During a brutal space battle, Captain Darnizva of the planet Karysilan's League, decides to flee the front lines with twelve ships in tow by jumping through a vortex based off random coordinates. Half of them crash land on Earth, resulting in a new evolution of mankind when the aliens interbreed with humans. Adding insult to injury, the enemy has tracked them down to finish the fight. Not caring about the impact it may have on Earth. Darnizva is put in an awkward situation to negotiate. The enemy's General Tartha proposes a timeline of fifty years for Earth to advance in preparation for defending itself. Now, Darnizva must try to convince humans to unite as one race but every faction of authority seems to sabotage his efforts. He begins to witness the ugly side of humanity; prejudice, bigotry, hatred and greed. Is Earth worth saving? Will offering humanity a helping hand be all in vain? Hope for survival dwindles as the clock ticks towards annihilation.
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