Operation Locksmith
Eve's War is a series of twelve novellas. Each book contains approximately 20,000 words and a complete story. Kindly note that the price throughout the series will be set at the minimum level and that Eve's story arc will be concluded at the end of the series.I understand that you wish to return to France, the man behind the mahogany desk said.That's correct, I said.Your motivation? he asked, smoothing the corners of his moustache.To do my bit for the war effort, I said, to defeat the Nazis and to discover what's happened to my husband.It would be extremely risky, the officious-looking man said, suicidal even, for a lone woman to undertake such a venture. However, there is an alternative.Alternative? I frowned.Yes. We'll parachute you in, as one of our people. Of course, you'd have to undertake training first. Rigorous training. Top secret training. If you fail, I'm afraid it will mean a spell in the cooler, possibly until the war is over.The cooler?But I trust it won't come to that, he said, ignoring my question. When can you start?I began immediately. And during my training I met two people who would radically reshape my life - Guy Samson and Mimi Duchamp. I also discovered secrets about myself, abilities beyond my imagination. However, as the training heated up so the situations became all too real, until they reached a point where I had to kill, or be killed.The books in series order:Operation ZigzagOperation LocksmithOperation BroadswordOperation TreasureOperation SherlockOperation CameoOperation RoseOperation WatchmakerOperation OverlordOperation JedburghOperation ButterflyOperation Liberty
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    • First Edition
    • Aug-2020
    • Goylake Publishing
    • eBook
    • Aug-2020
    • Goylake Publishing
    • eBook (Kindle)

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