The Handsome Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jill Daneforth arrived in England determined to retrieve her mother's prized emerald necklace from a swindler who had stolen her legacy. But one look from her host, aristocratic Rick Kitteridge, took her mind off crime! Rick was a delicious distraction, a man whose gaze promised that her secrets weren't safe, but that her desires would be fulfilled. Bewitched by the sexy madonna whose skin was silk and lips were satin, Rick decided to court the mysterious lady with all the fierce passion at his command--no matter that Jill was forbidden fruit, a woman he believed would never choose the country life he cherished. Tantalized by his kisses, haunted by his seductive smile, Jill surrendered to Rick's wild embraces. Torn between her desperate quest for revenge and the man who made her long to share his world, she yearned to tell Rick the truth and persuade him to help. Could she trust him to help her steal the jewels back--once she confessed he'd stolen her soul?
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