Night Terrors is the third in the critically-acclaimed mystery series featuring psychologist and trauma expert Daniel Rinaldi. In this compelling new thriller, set against the backdrop of a brutal Pittsburgh winter, Daniel is asked to treat retired FBI profiler Lyle Barnes, whose terrifying nocturnal visions cause him to wake up screaming. After twenty years spent inside the heads of the nation's worst serial killers, Barnes is not only falling apart psychologically, but also finds himself the target of an unknown assassin, whose mounting list of victims paralyzes the city. Hidden for his own protection by his former colleagues in the Bureau, Barnes secretly escapes, drawing Daniel and a joint FBI-Pittsburgh PD Task Force into a desperate manhunt for the missing agent. Can they find him before the killer does?
Meanwhile, a second, seemingly unconnected, case competes for Daniel's attention. The mother of a youthful confessed killer, now in jail in nearby West Virginia awaiting trial, is convinced that her son is innocent, and appeals to Daniel for help. Against his better judgment, he becomes involved, and soon suspects that much about the case is not as it appears.
As Night Terrors hurtles to its shocking conclusion, Daniel uncovers an unexpected web of murder and madness that not only connects the two investigations, but puts his own life at risk. Complicating matters further is his deepening relationship with the beautiful Detective Eleanor Lowrey. Will the danger closing in around him threaten to ensnare her as well…?
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