A Blessing In Disguise...
After twenty-five years of marriage, Ashley Lake and her husband Marcus have a lovely home in sunny California, successful careers, and a beloved grown daughter. At age fifty, Marcus is still a fine-looking man and a great provider. And except for some "female trouble" that frequently leaves her fatigued, Ashley feels attractive enough, although she could stand to lose some weight and liven up her wardrobe a bit. Maybe a little boredom and predictability have crept into the routine of her marriage lately. But after two-and-a-half decades, what does that matter?
Apparently it matters to Marcus, as Ashley discovers when she finds him packing up to leave her for a younger woman. It's the kind of shock Ashley never could have imagined, and just the kind of crisis--to mind and body--she needs to finally start caring about what's most important: herself. Because being left alone, feeling unloved, and in pain--literally--forces her to rediscover the strong, sexy woman she's been all along. What lies ahead for the "new" Ashley? It's time for her to find out...
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