Jazz Phillips is in deep trouble. He has no partner to back him up, three million dollars is missing, the reporter breaking the story is dead in a suspicious car crash, and his boss at CID is out to deep-six the inquiry -- and Jazz with it. So Jazz isn't surprised to discover that his boss is part of a statewide scam that goes all the way to the top. What surprises him is that not even the feds are willing to act. With nowhere to turn, Jazz goes to the local paper. The result is an editorial that shames the CID into assigning Jazz a partner and the resources he needs. Then a second editorial spurs the feds into action. Yet the deeper Jazz and his team dig, the dirtier the case gets. They soon discover that they are on the trail of a serial killer who murders for sport, as well as profit. This is a first for Jazz, his first time hunting a serial killer. As he soon finds out, neither he nor his teammates are safe from this ruthless psychopath.
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