In his tragically short life, William L. DeAndrea (1952-1996) won the coveted Edgar Award from the Mystery Writers of America for Best First Novel, Best Paperback Original, and Best Critical/Biographical Work, and he created detectives in the classic mold who use their wits to solve crimes.
Murder â€" All Kinds (the author chose the title for his short-story collection) is a memorial to Bill DeAndrea's genius. Made up of all his known short stories in the mystery field, it includes 4 tales about Matt Cobb, a trouble-shooter for an unnamed television network, two adventures of Sherlock Holmes (one told in the "voice" of Mickey Spillane), a re-telling of the fairy tale "Prince Charming" as a modern story of detection, a previously unpublished story of murder just before (or so everyone thinks) the world is about to be annihilated, and even a modern-day encounter with Victor Frankenstein's monstrous creation.
Murder â€" All Kinds in the 10th in the Crippen & Landru "Lost Classics" series. Cover illustration by Juha Lindroos; "Lost Classics" design by Deborah Miller.
Introduction by Jane Haddam