Harry Yumel, rebellious teen, is stuck driving a space taxi for the inhabitants of the universe. Saddled with a huge debt, hating his life on the spaceport where he lives, he is offered a chance to smuggle items by Shayala -- call me Shay -- the beautiful leader of a black market ring. Knowing that the sentence for getting caught is death, he nevertheless takes a chance, and soon finds himself top dog in the space taxi business. However, things are never what they seem. Harry finds out that Shay is secretly a government operative trying to find out the real leader who is behind the black market. He also learns that this mystery man is building a weapon of unimaginable power that could rip the fabric of the universe apart. When Shay goes missing, Harry has to journey to the end of the galaxy and face off against a fearsome foe that holds the power of life and death in the palm of his hand.
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