The problem with the swinging pendulum theory as it applies to extremism is that it always swings back. So when I was elected as an answer to the previous administration and all its…issues-the least of which being the impeachment of the then President of the U.S. followed by the succession of man so vile he was censured within weeks of taking command-I took office knowing full well that I had a lot of work to do to regain the trust of the citizens of the United States in her government. An uphill battle at the very least considering I'm a first generation American, the child of so-called illegal immigrants. And that's only the tip of the iceberg. When Solange and I decided to run on the Fight ticket, it was more a statement about the country and less about winning. But we had the black vote, the gay vote, the female vote, the votes of pretty much everyone who isn't a white, straight, male in the U.S-and some of them as well. We won by a landslide with only a grassroots campaign. We did the absolute impossible-well I guess it isn't so impossible because we did it. But six years ago it was an impossibility. And two years ago the reelection seemed just as impossible, and yet we managed that as well. And now, with two years left in my term I want to do something more radical than bringing our country back together as a nation.I want to date.
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