Mother Goose or the Old Nursery Rhymes
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Book Size: 8 1/2" x 11."
Pages: 55 (Black & White)
* * * * *
"In the illustrations to 'Mother Goose' Miss Greenaway has simply surpassed herself; everyone, from the opening vignette to the last page, is a perfect gem; while nothing could be finer or more thoroughly in keeping with the spirit of the occasion than the manner in which printer and publishers alike have fulfilled their portions of the task." -- Bookbuyer.
"This is the first dropping of another of the magnificent crops of juvenile Christmas books for which Messrs. Routledge & Sons have won a preeminent reputation on both sides of the Atlantic. It is satisfactory to say that in spite of all Miss Greenaway's former triumphs in this class of literature, she has never been more successful than in the present case.... In short, it would be impossible to imagine a more delightful book for little people, and we are glad to notice that the publishers, by producing it in a plain but substantial binding, not calculated for show, but for use, are able to offer it at a price which brings it easily within reach. It will no doubt have a large sale, and farsighted people, who know that such books soon become scarce, and therefore valuable, may find it worth while to look after it." --Bristol Mercury.
"This little book of children's poetry and pictures, illustrated charmingly by Kate Greenaway, and engraved and printed perfectly by Edmund Evans, promises to be one of the wonders of the infant world. It has the alternative title of 'Mother Goose, which are words well known to the youthful ear. The drawing and colouring are so excellent and refined in their style, that one begins to be conscious that aestheticism, for all the satire of it that is abroad, has invaded for good purpose the nursery. If reform is made at the fountain thus, the river of manhood or womanhood, so to speak, will be all the clearer and more beautiful. The forty-eight pages here are quite a gallery of the prettiest coloured pictures." --Northern Whig.
"There is an irresistible charm about Kate Greenaway's pictures, and her new book, "Mother Goose; or, the Old Nursery Rhymes, possesses its full share. The quaint designs, the skillful drawing and effective colouring, and the sketches illustrating these rhymes, are done ample justice to by the admirable engraving and printing of Mr. Edmund Evans." --Christian World.
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    • First Edition
    • Dec-2017
    • Createspace
    • Paperback
    • ISBN: 1981563563
    • ISBN13: 9781981563562
    • Dec-2017
    • Createspace
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1981577858
    • ISBN13: 9781981577859
    • Jan-2011
    • Scholastic Teaching Resources
    • eBook (Kindle)
    • Dec-2015
    • Ladybird; Unabridged edition (2015-11-26)
    • Audible

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