First time available as an eBook! The peaceful Nemedians have crossed vast seas in search of a new home. At long last they discover a lovely green isle and decide to settle in its single beautiful valley- already, mysteriously, equipped with huts ready for occupation. Little do they know that lurking in the hills, in a black fortress overlooking the valley, are denizens of evil called the Fomor- vicious, misshapen creatures who guard the land for their dark masters using magical devices that can defeat whole armies. Inexperienced at the craft of war, the Nemedians must now defend their new home, aided by strangers who have joined their settlement- but who are these strangers. and why are they lending their aid? Drawn from Ireland's most ancient tales of gods and heroes, Most Ancient Song beings a cycle of enthralling fantasy novels set in a world where the fight for survival becomes the stuff of legend.
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