Monkey Meat: The Summer Batch
  • Published:
    Nov-04-2025 (Release)
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    Graphic Novel
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Epic Dragon Ball Z-style action. —Entertainment Weekly Written and drawn by Juni Ba (Djeliya, The Boy Wonder) with special authorization from the Monkey Meat Company, the tasty and critically acclaimed satirical anthology is back for a second serving in a new summer magazine format, with comics, articles and games to discover our land!The Monkey Meat corporation went from selling cans of ape meat, to becoming a hegemonic empire on the fantasy West African island they now rule. Corporate leisure parks, exploited company-towns or savage lands to conquer, the island offers it all, and conditions there aren’t just dystopian, they’re entertaining! That’s why the company decided to report local stories to you in comic form! And now summer is transforming our island into the ideal escape. Want to go on a vacation you can actually afford? How about embarking for a brand new set of amusing (and mentally scarring) adventures? Exotic locations, debt-collecting African spirits, a travel influencer aboard a giant robot, a family fighting a demon for their Mbnb and a superhero monkey suing the corporation that owns him. All these and more await our guests! Collects issues #1-5.
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    • First Edition
    • Nov-2025
    • Image Comics
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1534334270
    • ISBN13: 9781534334274

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