In her dazzling new novel of sensuality and suspense, Cynthia Eden introduces a stubborn Atlanta cop who meets his match in a woman with surprising secrets...
Cara Firon doesn't look like a monster. In fact, the gorgeous blond nightclub singer possesses heavenly attributes that make Atlanta detective Todd Brooks sure there's a higher power somewhere. But a twisted killer is leaving a trail of bodies in seedy hotel rooms across town. The male victims show no wounds--it's as if the life was simply drained from them. And right now, mysterious Cara is Todd's only suspect.
Cara knows it's foolish to be so drawn to a man who thinks she's a murderer. She also knows Detective Brooks would find the truth even harder to swallow. Cara is one of the Others, a race of powerful, paranormal creatures who live among humans. Cara's particular abilities make men putty in her hands--all except this rugged, sexy-as-hell detective. But now someone, or something, has singled Cara out for serious payback...
As uneasy trust gives way to mind-blowing desire, Cara and Todd will go head-to-head with a killer whose mission is deeply personal, and who's determined to serve up revenge that's hotter than hellfire, and just as deadly...
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