Set in 1919 Siberia, this historical novel follows Michal, a young Jewish woman caught between the expectations of her traditional community and the turmoil of her emotions. While betrothed in an arranged marriage, Michal is drawn to another man, leading her down an unexpected and perilous path. When a violent Cossack pogrom devastates her village, Michal is forced to flee with the man she desires, embarking on a treacherous journey to Berlin.Over the next fourteen years, Michal faces the upheaval of the post-World War I era and the rise of the Weimar Republic, experiencing profound love, heartache, and personal loss. Her life in Berlin becomes a struggle to maintain stability and protect her loved ones, all while harboring a secret that threatens her happiness at every turn.As 1933 approaches, Adolf Hitler's ascent to power brings an ominous shift in Germany, particularly for its Jewish population. With anti-Semitism on the rise and increasing political tension, Michal finds herself in a precarious position, navigating both personal and external threats. The narrative intertwines the emotional stakes of Michal's private life with the larger sociopolitical forces at play during one of the darkest periods in European history.This novel richly portrays a young woman's resilience and determination amidst the turbulence of early 20th-century Europe. It explores themes of love, loss, identity, and survival in the face of systemic oppression, making it a poignant reminder of the impact of history on individual lives.
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