"Mercy Sky" is a riveting novel based upon actual historical events woven silently through our young American past. Events such as John Hart Crenshaw's Reverse Underground Railroad or the "lost" section of the Cherokee Trail of Tears are the very fabric loosely covering our identity as a nation. As a people forever affected by the ramifications of tragedy, we should not let the lessons fall away useless and forgotten. "Mercy Sky" revisits yesterday's world with the timelessness of a delicate love story. The spiritual waves brought of young lovers Lemn and Cora, of makeshift siblings Avi and Drake unfurl anew like a crisp banner on a fresh land, a land they envisioned would be our America. Or did evil, did bitterness taint their dreams?
Dawn Dyson takes contrasting, seemingly isolated threads and masterfully swirls them together into a liberating foundation of hardship and triumph upon which we all can stand. Follow her on the enigmatic path she creates through our shared history. Upon finish, you'll take a look back reflecting on the layered depth of "Mercy Sky" and find that your soul is suddenly clearer as you face your own horizon.
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