Meeting Jack Kemble
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Jennifer Strayer needed an attitude adjustment. She'd managed to get fired from nearly every job she ever had thanks to running her mouth. After being unable to come up with her portion of the rent, her roommate has finally had enough. If she can't stick with the next job that she gets, she'll be forced to move out.

Jack Kemble is a multibillionaire playboy who doesn't take no for an answer. When a chance meeting lands Jennifer in his office, will she be able to bend to his will, or will her resistance make life a living hell for the both of them?

Approximate length: 8,900 words long (or 28 pages long) a novelette

This is part 1 of a series. Other parts to this series include:

Meeting Jack Kemble -

Resisting Jack Kemble -

Seducing Jack Kemble -

Taming Jack Kemble -

To learn more about Jack Kemble, check out his debut novella: The Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy
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