A young lady's come-out. A local stablehand. Two mischievous cats on a mission.The daughter of a dry goods store owner and an English potter, Ella Mae Montgomery has looked forward to the day when she has her come-out at the annual masquerade ball at the DeSoto House Hotel-despite the claims that Galena's landmark hotel is haunted. She is making her own costume using a fine white fabric, and the rest of what she needs to look like an angel has arrived on the latest train.The son of an Irish immigrant, John O'Connor has returned to Galena after having served in the Union army, an eye patch hiding his injury from an errant gunshot. Employed at the local stable, he agrees to take over running the business when the owner falls gravely ill.When Ella Mae's father arranges for John to see her home while he and her mother are away for their anniversary, the two renew an acquaintance going back to the schoolroom. Even if John didn't have an excuse to spend time with the delectable Ella Mae, her cats, Sergeant and Colonel, seem determined he have to pay calls on her. Although John initially has no desire to attend the town's popular masquerade ball, learning Ella Mae will save two dances has him changing his mind. Perhaps she'll agree to more than just the dancing.
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