The 1980s were a booming period for Earth's Mightiest Heroes, leading to one of the most beloved spinoff series of all time with the new West Coast team of Avengers!In the 1980s, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes expanded their ranks and their range, founding the West Coast Avengers. The roster of Hawkeye, Iron Man, Wonder Man, Mockingbird and Tigra meant that the team was stocked with powerhouses and fan-favorites alike. Marvel welcomed back one of the greatest Avengers writers of all-time to steer their adventures: Steve Englehart. Along with Al Milgrom and Joe Sinnott on art, he wove a massive series debut that brought in arguably his signature characters — Vision and the Scarlet Witch — in a crossover story that plumbs the origins of Wonder Man and the Vision. Ultron also returns, but this new iteration of the iconic villain has a distinctly different disposition. Also featuring a double-sized Wonder Man solo adventure!COLLECTING: WEST COAST AVENGERS (1985) #1-7, VISION AND THE SCARLET WITCH (1985) #1-2, MARVEL GRAPHIC NOVEL (1982) #27 – EMPEROR DOOM and WONDER MAN (1986) #1
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