Journey to Mars, the mysterious red planet, to embark on an urgent mission that could influence the future of Earth or cost you your life. Explore the Martian City to uncover the mysterious extinction of the Martians and the settlers from Earth. Rumors ab ound of sightings of Martians and of a potent Martian object that could have a major effect on Earth. But do the Martians still exist? Or are they just illusions? Find the key to the lost Martian archives and unlock the secrets of a lost world!
- High resolution 3-D graphic adventure game with fully animated characters and original musical score!
- Includes free Martian Chronicles hints and tips for all levels of players!
- Includes direct link to Martian Chronicles Website!
- Compatible with both Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 or later.
System Requirements for Windows®:
PC with 486DX/25MHz or higher processor
SVGA graphics (256 colors with 640 X 480 resolution)
Double-speed CD-Rom drive or faster
MPC-compatible sound card
Mouse or compatible pointing device
QuickTime® 2.0.3 or later (included on this disk)
Windows® 3.1 or later
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