Marry the Witch
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Turn off your lights on a dark and snowy night. Cover your windows. Bolt lock your doors. Finally, when you believe your home is as secure as it can be, hide under your bed sheets. This may sound childish for anyone over the age of five; but you will thank me for this sage advice, when you hear something swooshing down from the clouds and hovering beside your bedroom window. Try not to imagine what is riding the moonlight out there. She can play on your imagination, even when your rational mind tells you that the last of the witches had been burnt on the stake centuries ago. She can make your worst nightmares come true; and she will, if you allow yourself to fall under her curse. Inside these pages are three novellas about witches. Maybe, if you read these stories, you will not hear the witch outside scratching your outer walls. Maybe, you will be so engrossed with the horror in this book that you will not notice when she breaks into your house, sneaks into your bedroom, and captures your soul.
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