Hemlock Falls is a pretty little town in upstate New York. Sarah Quilliam, with her talent for business, is trying to buy back the Inn at Hemlock Falls. Her sister, Meg, keeps the patrons happy with her culinary abilities. But when it comes to murder, the Quilliam sisters have to rely on other skills--spotting clues, solving crimes, catching culprits...
The Quilliams are delighted to learn that a wealthy Finn wants to invest in the Inn. But to seal the deal, Meg must agree to serve his favorite fast foods--a culinary compromise she can't quite stomach. To make matters worse, she and Sarah have been quarrelling nonstop. So when a group of TV writers checks in to work on rewriting a poorly rated cartoon show, the sisters are in the mood for a few laughs. But the show's producer is far from jolly--and soon he's dead. It's a development that could put an end to the Quilliams' plans for the Inn--for in the eyes of one very discerning Finn, there's nothing funny about murder...
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