The creator of Tashi invites readers into the magical world of Madeline the Mermaid and her merdog, Byron, and mercat, Bella, with these four fabulous, fishy stories told with the magical quality of folk tales
Some people tell stories about mermaids and their wild, wicked ways, but Madeline is the friendliest mermaid anyone could meet She lives in a conch shell, and when she sings, a golden light flashes from her tail. Still, not all the creatures under the sea are friendly, and Madeline faces some bad ones in these four tales. Will Madeline be swallowed up by the monster Kraken or be bored to death by the talkative Pufferfish? Can she escape the Sea Harpy with her hair of hissing snakes? Can she prevent a war of magic between the rival Sea Witches -- a war that would mean the end for all sea creatures?
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