Madeleine Abducted
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Content Warning - This book contains graphic sexual situations, mature language and explicit description of sexual violence. She was meant to be his destruction… A pawn played in a perilous game between father and son… Yet, her strength was more than either man could imagine. As Maddy learns to save herself… She becomes the one thing that could set the son free. Madeleine Clark was raised to become a concert cellist. Sheltered and naïve, she remains hidden behind her music, a protection from the world around her. On the night of her first solo performance, Maddy accepts the admiration of a stranger and finds herself captive in a cruel and twisted power struggle between a sadistic father and his son, Aaron. Seemingly dangerous and uncaring, Aaron manages the business operations of his father's estate. Wanting nothing to do with the slaves kept at the Estate, Aaron refuses to take part in the deeper depravities of his father. Despite his resistance, Aaron's father ‘gifts' him with a petite, brunette woman he can't refuse. A bond forged in conspiracy and deceit, Aaron struggles to save Maddy by teaching her to survive in the world in which he'd been raised. An unlikely union, Aaron soon learns that great strengths can exist within small packages, while Madeleine learns that love and light can exist in the darkest of places. Madeleine Abducted is Book 1 of The Estate Series. Each book is a stand alone and will not have cliffhangers.
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2014
    • Melissa/Willis
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 0991566610
    • ISBN13: 9780991566617

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