In this thrilling introduction to her Renegade Royals series, Vanessa Kelly transports readers to the court of King George III--where a London street urchin unwittingly plays Cupid, ushering in a new era--and ultimately a new kind of royal...
With her widowed mother working long hours as governess to the royal children, Linnet St. Clare must look after her siblings and run the household. Now she must add to her worries the fate of Dominic, a poor orphan who has inspired the wrath of the king himself. Clearly Linnet has no time to consider her own desires--much less notice the attentions of a certain handsome, powerful magistrate. . .
Sir Anthony Tait is at a loss for how to capture Linnet's interest. If only she would be still long enough for courting. Outright seduction seems the only answer. But will his kisses be enough to persuade her--or might Anthony have something to learn from young Dominic about matters of the heart? And in saving the boy's future, might Anthony and Linnet at last create their own?. . .
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