Look But Don't Touch
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There was one rule. Don't fall in love with Grant Wood.And I broke it. God knows I didn't mean to! I only meant to push his buttons-to drive him as crazy as he drove me. He was the stone-faced CEO of my father's company and I was the spoiled daughter of his mentor. Those had been our roles for years. So what if we couldn't stand each other?When my father gave me an ultimatum, I was forced to swallow my pride and report to Grant himself. Intern extraordinaire at your service, sir. He clearly expected me to fail. Dressed in a clean-cut suit, sitting behind his desk, he took one look at me and dismissed me out of hand.Me. Ada Hathaway, a graduate of Yale and valedictorian of her class. Sure, he might be a self-made millionaire, but so what?The only good part is that he always seemed just as unnerved by me, and I loved it when his cold facade faltered. Arguing with Grant quickly became the best part of my day.But it was never meant to become anything more. He was as off-limits to me as I was to him.But our game went too far. What do we do now?
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    • First Edition
    • Feb-2019
    • Independently published
    • Trade Paperback
    • ISBN: 1092166688
    • ISBN13: 9781092166683

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