Each day that the postman arrives without any letters from Benjamin, Lolly feels the chance for marriage and a life out west slowly disappear. She knows that the young man she's been writing is a good and decent man, but she should have heard something from him by now.
Many miles away, Benjamin hopes to hear back from the young woman he's come to love through the letters they've written each other. But too many days have passed since his last letter proposing marriage, and with each day he is faced with the realization that Lolly has not accepted his proposal and that he must move on.
Will Lolly resign herself to staying home and abandoning her dream, or will she take matters into her own hands?
Will Benjamin decide to court another young woman that he has also been corresponding with?
Read this next installment in the Mail Order Brides For The Doyle Brothers series!
She works for her father as his assistant in his medical practice, but her dreams live in the new territories of the West and making a life with the young man she's been corresponding with.
The youngest of the three Doyle brothers, Benjamin feels he's known Lolly Wallace his whole life, but his letter proposing marriage to her has gone unanswered and now he finds himself courting another young woman.