Lizzie's Christmas Play
  • Published:
    Sep-2021 (Hardcover)
  • Formats:
    Print / eBook
  • Main Genre:
    Contemporary Romance
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Bestselling Amish novelist Linda Byler reveals her new Christmas legacy novel featuring Lizzie from Lizzie Searches for Love, the trilogy that launched Byler's writing career.

Lizzie is grown now and happily married with a large family of her own. Life is good in their big gray house with the sweeping views of the Blue Mountains. There is much to be thankful for amidst the ups and downs of raising six children, including a warm home, a faithful husband, and their supportive Amish community. But there are challenges, too, particularly as Lizzie's oldest daughter Laura, now a school teacher and well into her rumschpringa years, continues to wait for the right boyfriend. With her friendly and vivacious spirit, sparkling brown eyes, and adorable freckles, Laura has plenty of young men interested in her affections. But as Laura begins and then ends friendship after friendship, Lizzie starts to worry about her daughter's choices.

Meanwhile, Lizzie is planning the community's Christmas play, an event she looks forward to every year. She loves drafting a script and helping the students learn their parts. This year she's planning something unique, and she's not sure how the community will respond. Lizzie hasn't lost her curious mind and strong will through the years, though she's gained a good deal of wisdom and insight. Is she going too far this time, she wonders? On the evening of the play, everyone is in for a surprise, including Lizzie and Laura.

Linda Byler is beloved for her skillful story telling and true-to-life descriptions of Amish food, faith, and culture. As an Amish woman herself, she can share details of Amish life that few can replicate. In this charming novel, Byler shares intimate details of day-to-day life in an Amish community while exploring the struggles between mothers and daughters, and ultimately spinning a sweet tale of young love.
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    • First Edition
    • Sep-2021
    • Skyhorse Publishing
    • Hardcover
    • ISBN: 1680996215
    • ISBN13: 9781680996210
    • Sep-2021
    • Skyhorse Publishing
    • eBook
    • ISBN: 1680996827
    • ISBN13: 9781680996821

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