Collected from a popular comic blog and expanded with full color paintings, the vignettes featured in this series offer funny snippets from everyday life. Each autobiographical sketch showcases a facet of daily life through the persona of the creator's alter-ego -- from paranoia and daily annoyances, both big and small, to his love of comics and travel impressions from around the world. Offering an uncanny sense of observation related to personal experience, this collection from one of today's most influential comic artists is all about dealing with the trappings of daily life.
In this next collection of highly perceptive and self-mocking little observations, Trondheim looks for cowboys in our not-so Wild West, experiences severe nose problems in Prague, has an outrageous discovery in a bathroom of Freiburg, and pulls his first white hair off his chest . . . without knowing why. From the ridiculously mundane to the sublimely ridiculous, Trondheim doesn't miss a beat!