The story of triplet sisters, Kelby, Ren, and Lily, continues in the second book from the Halfling series. The three Limnade princesses are rescued from their Uncle Dagon's poisoned prison. They are sick, bruised and terrified after the experience. Everyone expects them all to go home to Lake Galit, but Lily does not recover like her sisters and falls into a coma as she lies on the banks of the Adva River. Their mother, Vivian finally has to accept that Lily's body has chosen earth over water. It was a possibility each of her Halfling daughters faced. Lily could not return to the Lake with her sisters. She would die. Vivian has to make a painful decision to leave her daughter with their Dryad father, Aiken. Lily's journey to discover her new life above water becomes increasingly difficult as her body adjusts to life outside the Lake and to her new power no one expected to see in the Black Forest ever again. She was destined to fulfill a prophecy many believed was only a forest myth.
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