Thirteen stories that are just right for a lunch time read. All stories stand alone, and are complete in this volume. Sigh - A young girl must learn to survive when those around her start to die after contacting the deadly Reaper virus. Fallen - A disgraced preacher at a mega church is exiled. Will he fall further, or find redemption? Old Man - A wealthy businessman buys an idyllic retreat, but finds that it comes not only with the house, and furnishings, but also with an old man who has no interest in leaving. Lucky Man - A Big Man on Campus returns for his 25th high school reunion, but finds more than he expected waiting for him. A tale of revenge served very cold. My Monarch Summer - The true story of a ten year old boy, lost and lonely in a new town, who finds his summer's focus on the wings of a glorious monarch butterfly. My Matanuska Summer - The true story of a teenager's adventures growing marijuana in the Matansuska Valley of Alaska, in 1976. Shannon - The tale of a beloved pet who will give anything for the small girl she loves. One Last Cup of Tea - A man seeks the answer to the question, "how do I live without you?" Chad Stinson Goes for a Walk - Chad Stinson buys an exercise tracker, but will it help him stick to his goals, or begin to eat his soul? A tale of obsession and possession. Bull Lick Lodge - A mobile deejay takes a gig that leads him deep into the woods, where horror awaits. Christmas Town - Pete Kelly has to make a choice between career and family. His Christmas wish comes true, reminding us all to be careful what we wish for. The Short Goodbye - A vignette that focuses on that moment that eventually arrives for all of us. The Legacy of August Wolf - An obsessed music fan searches for his personal holy grail - the missing recordings of August Wolf. Once he finds them, what price will he have to pay to obtain them? Lucky Man, Chad Stinson Goes for a Walk, and Christmas Town were previously published as standalone stories. Sigh, Old Man, One Last Cup of Tea, Shannon, and Bull Lick Lodge were previously published in various anthologies. Fallen, My Monarch Summer, My Matanuska Summer, The Short Goodbye and The Legacy of August Wolf were written specifically for this collection.
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