As a family struggles for survival, one woman refuses to be another cog in the machine...
Victorian Era England: Harriet is desperate to escape the clutches of her abusive uncle. As an unmarried woman with few prospects, she has little choice but to live under his roof. When a charming man comes to work for them, Harriet thinks she's found her way out...
But after the marriage ceremony and birthing two children, Harriet's new family still doesn't have a home of their own. And she can't decipher the reason why. As tensions rise, an argument with her uncle spirals out of control causing him to lock her away in an asylum...
While corrective therapy is meant to replace her headstrong ways, Harriet has other plans for her captivity. If her idea works, she could free her family from her uncle's control once and for all...
Less Than Equals is the second book in The Ambition & Destiny Series, a Victorian Era historical fiction family saga. If you like heroines who are ahead of their time, then you'll love the second instalment in VL McBeath's engaging series.